So, these are all "after " photos. Like, Jared from Subway type "after." This is how Mister Robert L. left his room when he mercilessfully vacated the premises after being evicted by yours truly when he adamantly refused to clean up after himself. Nine large trash bags were required to transport the spoiled and festering debris of his life to the dumpster where it had badly needed to go for far too long already. The maids bill for dealing with it? $235. The joy of having him gone, priceless.
I couldn't resist a black and white shot, crime scene style. Again, this is AFTER he left. This is the mess he left for me to deal with, even though I had been paying his rent for him.
He says he was depressed--so sad he couldn't find it in himself to get a job or clean up.
Normally the proper word for somebody like that is "homeless."
He left dirty pans, filled with the stinking spoils of some white trash buffet he had concocted. Half an onion and a small rotting chunk of cheese laid waiting for me on the cutting board when I returned home from school. It was like one of those Rapture movies--except this one took place in a trailer park, which just so happened to sadly double as my apartment.
I think the photo of a blank employment application says it all. Sadly, the small forest of his pubic hairs which adorned it didn't show up in the photo. Which begs the question, what did he do with those things??
Magically, he found a way to blame me for his sad state of affairs. He felt bad and I didn't help, I just payed his bills,and asked him to do his dishes. I'm such an asshole.
Man, now that he's gone, I gotta wonder what would happen if I ever had kids for real??
Okay, I'm done ranting for now. Who's next?
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this morning i woke up, tried to avoid grumpiness and thinking of
what`s awaiting me and cigarettes are really bad start
of a morning...while walking around the room i looked at my roommate,
sleeping. how come every morning i`m grumpy and she`s peacefully
asleep? if i was to be late with rent and bills money every month, i
surely wouldn`t be so calm. i wouldn`t fuckin care what i`m gonna wear
that day for my date or when some show is coming on. if i was to stay
home, i would fuckin clean the place. if i was to stay home i would at
least fuckin try to fix all the broken things around...but, all those
video games. all those universal problems are enough for her not to
find a the end, it`s my fault. it`s totally ok to help a
friend for couple of months but this is becoming a usage of enormous
proportions. a usage of my friendship. and i just feel that @ some
point i`m going to break and vanish...disappear completely. and, of
course, she`s gonna spit on me inspite of my 2 year support. but, it
just doesn`t matter anymore. i don`t need a friend like that. sure,
it`s gonna hurt a bit (yes, i`m stupid like that), but operation
saving myself is ON!
72 hour notice? i fuckin gave notice last year. now i`m giving notice just
to myself. every morning: "just 52 days more, just 51 days more..."
maybe this doesn`t sound horrible enough for you, cause i`m not
putting nasty details about the hair in the sink or the socks under
the bad, but, believe me, i`m earning my money really hard and
disrespecting that is the most horrible thing for me. picture? i have
a picture how i feel every time when she say that i`ve become a
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what`s awaiting me and cigarettes are really bad start
of a morning...while walking around the room i looked at my roommate,
sleeping. how come every morning i`m grumpy and she`s peacefully
asleep? if i was to be late with rent and bills money every month, i
surely wouldn`t be so calm. i wouldn`t fuckin care what i`m gonna wear
that day for my date or when some show is coming on. if i was to stay
home, i would fuckin clean the place. if i was to stay home i would at
least fuckin try to fix all the broken things around...but, all those
video games. all those universal problems are enough for her not to
find a the end, it`s my fault. it`s totally ok to help a
friend for couple of months but this is becoming a usage of enormous
proportions. a usage of my friendship. and i just feel that @ some
point i`m going to break and vanish...disappear completely. and, of
course, she`s gonna spit on me inspite of my 2 year support. but, it
just doesn`t matter anymore. i don`t need a friend like that. sure,
it`s gonna hurt a bit (yes, i`m stupid like that), but operation
saving myself is ON!
72 hour notice? i fuckin gave notice last year. now i`m giving notice just
to myself. every morning: "just 52 days more, just 51 days more..."
maybe this doesn`t sound horrible enough for you, cause i`m not
putting nasty details about the hair in the sink or the socks under
the bad, but, believe me, i`m earning my money really hard and
disrespecting that is the most horrible thing for me. picture? i have
a picture how i feel every time when she say that i`ve become a
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